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Cредняя школа № 22 г. Гомеля
с английским языком обучения

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“Старт в Будущее”
(Профориентационная работа)









Удача сопутствует любознательным

Lexical-Grammar Test


  1. Can you fry a piece of meat _____?

a) himself           b) themselves               c) yourself

  1. I_____ the poor children of Haiti for the last few years.

a)    have been helping       b) will help         c) has been helping

  1. We already_____ seven English tenses.

a)    has studied         b) will study      c) have studied

  1. Most of Belarus_____ by forests.

a)    are covered         b) were covered           c) is covered

  1. She_____ New Year post cards all afternoon.  She has written thirty of them!

a) have been writing         b) has been writing     c) wrote

  1. My mum always makes pies_____ .

a)    herself                b) myself            c) himself

  1. The republic of Belarus_____ in the center of Europe.

a)    are situated         b) were situated           c) is situated

  1. Belarus _____ by any seas or oceans.

a)    is not washed     b) is washed       c) was washed

9.  She says she already_____ the book.

a) was found          b) will find         c) has found

10.  Can you put_____ saxophone in your room? It’s in the way.

a) —               b) a            c) the

11.  Penny sings and plays_____ guitar.

a) —               b) a            c) the

12.  He_____ home late yesterday.

a) has come            b) came               c) come

13.  Do your friends make breakfast_____ ?

a) themselves          b) herself            c) yourself

14.  She_____ the rooms when I_____ home yesterday.

a) do, come            b) was doing, came              c) is doing, came

15.  This garden is_____ in our city.

a) more beautiful            b) beautiful         c) the most beautiful

16.  Their brother Vincent plays_____ ice hockey in winter.

a) an               b) the         c) —

17.  Kupalle_____ in the night from 6 July to 7 July.

a) is celebrated       b) celebrates       c) are celebrated

18.  An apple a day keeps_____ .

a) him sleepy         b) the doctor away      c) me without breakfast

19.  You can’t make an omelet without_____ .

a) one oven            b) have caught the fish        c) breaking eggs

20.  Half a loaf is better than_____ .

a) no bread             b) no meat          c) no fish

21. I enjoyed _____ lunch they served at the restaurant.

a) the           b) --           c) a

22. I had _____ big dinner today.

a) --              b) a            c) the

23. We spend the evening listening _____ records.

a) at             b) to           c) in

24. Paul is happy. He _____ a new job.

a) was found        b) has found       c) will found

25. This author is not very popular, _____ people have heard of him.

a) many       b) few        c) a few