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“Старт в Будущее”
(Профориентационная работа)









Удача сопутствует любознательным

Lexical-Grammar Test

Form 6

  1. My mum was _____ abroad last summer.

a)   -                  b) an                c) on

  1. I ____  from Belarus.

a)   are               b) is                         c) am

  1. Our family photo albums ____ very big.

a)   are                   b) is                         c) am

  1. ____ Neman is in ____ Europe

a)   -, -               b) the, -                   c) -, the

  1. ____ Australia is between _____ Pacific Ocean and ____ Indian Ocean.

a)   -, the, the           b) -, -, -                   c) the, the, the

  1. I played _______  yesterday.

a)   on a hike             b) camp fire            c) board games

  1. ___ did you go to Minsk with? – With my parents.

a)   When          b) What                   c) Who

  1. ____  do you like Maths? – Because I know this subject well

a)   Where                 b)  Why          c)   What

  1. Nelly ____ cooking now.

a)   are               b) is                         c) am

  1. My brother  ____  to play computer games every evening.

a)   like              b) likes            c) is liking

  1. We ____ London two years ago.

a)   visited                 b) visit             c)  has visited

  1. My classmates always _____  to summer camp.

a)   go                b) went                   c) gone

  1. He just _____ the test. Here is it.

a)   finish          b) finished              c)  has finished

  1. Nick never _____  Lake Naroch.

a)   have seen            b) has seen              c) seen

  1. The symbol of  Belovezhskaya Puscha is ____.

a)   the bison             b) the flower          c)  the flag

  1. Yes, I already _____ to Brazil.

a)   have been          b) has been              c) been

  1. The _______ of the Republic of Belarus is Minsk.

a)   country               b) village                c) capital

  1. There are many _____ in the forest.

a)   bison                   b) bisons                 c) bisones

  1. My dad saw two ____ many years ago.

a)   wolf                    b) wolfs           c) wolves

  1. Have you _____ been to Brazil?

a)   ever                     b) never                  c) already

  1. I haven’t  seen the Mediteranean Sea ____.

a)   just              b) yet              c) still

  1. It has always ____ my dream to see The Niagara Falls.

a)   seen            b) been            c) known

  1. I have just _____  back home from school.

a)   come                   b) came                   c) comed

  1. My dad feeds the _____ every day.

a)   sheep                  b) sheeps                 c) ship

  1. Last Friday Nastya and Nikita _____ to the café. They _____ ice-cream and _____ cola.

a)   goes, eat, drink

b)  went, eat, drank

c)   went, ate, drank

  1. Yesterday Bob got up ____ 6 o’clock.

a)   in                b) at                        c) of

  1. I have never been ____ Moscow.

a)   to                b) in                c)  -

  1. I ____ to the swimming pool every Monday. But last week I _____, I ______ in the swimming pool.

a)   went, was, don’t swim

b)  go, was, didn’t swim

c)   goes, were, didn’t swam

  1. Belarus is famous for its _____.

a)   nature                 b) seas             c)  mountains.

  1. Some Belarusian animals are in ______.

a)     dangerous           b) danger                c) wild